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I recently discovered your books in my church library. I've read at least 6 of them so far. I'm so glad to have found you., I love historical fiction. Most of all God has used them to speak to me about things in my life. Thank you so much. God bless you.
— Eileen Wehler
Catching the Wind was the first book of yours that I read, and it ruined my sleep! It was the first book in a long time that I could not stop reading and finished it at 7:30 in the morning. I loved it! Since then I have read all the books that tie the past to the present. You really brought WWII to life, with a Christian message, clean language, and suspenseful stories.
— Beth Rustin
I discovered your books when Good Reads recommended The Wings of Poppy Pendleton. It's quite possibly one of my new favorite books. I'm now working my way through some of the earlier books. I'm from the PNW, and I get unreasonably happy when books are set in my neck of the woods. Thank you for weaving your faith into these stories. It's wonderful to read books with some suspense, romance and mystery as well as some history, that also have that faith element. God Bless You :)
— Amanda Roselip
I just finished Memories of Glass. It was an exceptional book. This needs to be made into a movie!! Seriously!
— Julie Long
So glad to have found your books!
— Kathy Smith
Melanie, I love your books!!! WWII is my favorite period of history for historical fiction, so your stories draw me in like a moth to a candle!! My granddaughter attends George Fox University, so the last book I read (The Winter Rose) was especially enjoyed. Time-slip stories are exciting and full of real history. Your research in that time period makes your stories come alive for me. Thank you for bringing the Gospel message into your work. That is important to me also. I can't wait for new books. God bless you for the talent and passion He has given you. You have become my favorite author! An avid reader,
— Carolanne White
I loved the Zoom meetings today. The special guest was fantastic.
— Jeanette Fallon
Good morning. I think I have found myself a great new author. I just finished Hidden Among the Stars. Your references to all the children's literature was astounding. Is there a list of those books you could send me? I love your WW2 books and hope to start reading some of your other books.
— Cathie Tier
Ohhhhhhhhh girl... I just finished your book Beneath the Golden Veil... it was sooooooo goood... how did you come up with a story like was wonderful.. I was very engrossed in it... love the characters and the plot sooooo much.
— Judy Welbaum
I just needed to say I loved this book because I used to get to spend summers on the island with my Aunt an Uncle and their 3 kids. My Uncle worked for the State of Michigan and kept all the maintenance vehicles working and also helped with many projects over the 20 years they lived there. I could envision almost exactly where things were as you described them. The house we lived in was below the Governors mansion so from our backyard, looking up, that is what we saw. Lovely book and I will definitely be looking for your name at the local library.
— Marcella
Hello! I recently read your book Memories of Glass and it was such a memorable and life changing story. Everything was so beautifully weaved together and you kept me hooked on every word, as if they were a lifeline. Thank you kindly for reading this and being an inspiration.
— Sakarah Simspon
Hello Ms Dobson, I’ve read two of your books now. The first one was Memories of Glass. I just finished Catching the Wind. It was so good I could hardly put it down. I am anxious to order some more of your books. So refreshing to read good clean novels. God bless you as you continue to write,
— Mary Surbrook
Thank you for writing stories that have wonderful characters along with great story lines. As an avid reader of books set during WW2 I have loved the view point of your books. I am Jewish so this time frame has always interested me and I was so happy to stumble across your books. I truly enjoy the Christian point of view and you truly embody all aspects of what possibly could have happened during the way. So many books focus on the horrors (which we do need to remember) but I like how your books focus on redemption of all people. Please keep writing!
— Pamela Tyles
A word of thanks Melanie. I am a 65 year old mum of an Aspie 36 year old son. Your comments at the end of the book regarding the mum's input to this condition, were all leveled at me over the years, undermining my confidence to negotiate life without direction or user manuals. It's been a journey of equal amounts heartache and delight. Your acknowledgement of those old attitudes has given me peace that I have in fact been a good, if far from perfect mum. As I listened to those words on Audible my pastor sent his daily Scripture. Jeremiah 1:4-5 The word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." A truth for all of us. Thank you for your ministry of words,
— Lesley Hows
I'm a 17-year-old girl from Liberty, IN and I miraculously found your book Love Finds You in Liberty Indiana in a nursing home. I couldn’t put it down! I have asked multiple people to read it so we could discuss it because it is truly a beautiful piece that deserves to be shared. I went through so many emotions. Especially as somebody who grew up here and knowing about Levi C. In elementary school we take field trips to the Levi Coffin house (I live within walking distance) and we learn the history and importance behind it, but I felt like I was able to appreciate it even more after reading this book. I’m so appreciative to have been able to read this book. It’s definitely one that I will admire. Thank you.
— Amaya
I came across your name by reading who other authors recommend and I am so pleased that I did! I just finished my 4th novel of yours and that was Catching the Wind........I had read a lot of this book the day before and settled in to read for the night when @10:30 pm everything in the novel clicked!! I had my"ahaaaa"moment. All the little clues you gave came 324 with Chase Merrill.."You knew my g/mother?" "Not personally. You didn't know her?" pg 339 Jocelyn describes the wind, the color of 348...after Jocelyn was born Bridget offered to come to London to stay with her niece (Jocelyn); then I finished the book with baited breath!! This was an amazing, wonderfully written, soulful book to read!! I can't thank you enough and I am so glad your name came up as an author to read.....I have enjoyed every book of yours that I have read to date and after reading the final chapters of this latter book, I have read the last 10 chapters again. All the characters have come together and make sense. I am now onto Refuge on Crescent Hill and The Black Cloister. Thanks so much!!
— Deb
I just finished reading Hidden Among the Stars. What a wonderful story! I'm looking forward to reading your other books!
— Mary West
I have just finished reading your book, Hidden Among the Stars and I really loved it!! Being a "book lover" myself and loving little children as I do, your bookshop in this story sounded like a dream come true. Your writing made me feel as if I was right there in your shop, but feeling like it was mine somehow. I have been to Hallstatt and I have seen Castle Grub and I felt like I was going back in time as I read your novel. I have a great picture of the Schloss Grub but I didn't know its name or history until reading the notes at the end of your book. I first visited Hallstatt 50 years when we were stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army. However, 5 years ago we were lucky enough to go back again. It truly is a magical place and I wish we could have had more time there. I felt like I was there again through your writing and I didn't want your book to end. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
— Kathleen Newton
I have just finished the Shadows of Ladenbrooke Manor and I have to say it is one of the best books I have read in a long time. I have read some of your earlier books the "Love finds you" ones and they were good too but this one is the best so far. I will be reading others of yours and I know they will be great. Thank you for your writing skills and making a story that I want to stay with until the end. God bless all your writings and thanks again for such a good book.
— Suzy Wills
I saw one of your books on Amazon when I was searching for some new books, well I have read/listened to 5 already in a little over a week. They are all amazing!!! What a gift God has given you and thank you for sharing it.
— Courtney Reed
I found Hidden Among the Stars especially compelling since my grandmother was in Austria during that very time period. She had taken my uncle, who was a toddler, to see both her family in a small town near Vienna (Neunkirchen) and also visit her in-laws in Czechoslovakia. She was a Christian, American citizen but as the troubles/dangers escalated quickly, she found herself in the midst of confusion when her departure neared, with no help from the Am. Consulate, etc. since USA was not at war and Austria was already following rules of a new government. I found the book touching and the history factual. Finished the book in tears and even though it's fiction, it is filled with real streets, towns, and accounts that seem quite real indeed. Now, as a grandmother myself, I regret not listening more closely as my grandmother told of her "adventures" finally getting out of those countries. Her daughters and husband back here were scared and worried by the many delays and my mother (oldest in the family) postponed her wedding to my father, refusing to marry until "Mom got home.." Thanks for a wonderful, heartwarming story.
— June Brinks
I just finished Hidden Among the Stars. It was a wonderful book to read; I really liked it. I was really immersed in the atmosphere of the castle and the Gestapo coming.
— Maryann Boos
I just put down Hidden Among the Stars. This might be the best book I've ever read! Thank you.
— Joanne Fitzgerald
Hi Melanie! I just finished Catching the Wind and Hidden Among the Stars. I loved both of them!
— Ann Marie
I just finished reading your most recent book, Hidden Among the Stars. What a treasure. It captivated me like no other book I've read in a very long time. I loved the characters, the setting, the history and the mystery. Five star rating from me on this book. Loved it. Thank you so much.
— Dori Berg
I loved your book Catching the wind, I reviewed it but I could not begin to express how much this book touched my heart!
— Charlene Capodice
hi, I'm Melanie's daughter, Karlyn. Mom, you are really cool! keep doing what you love!!! I love you. see you at home, -kay boo
— Karlyn Dobson
Hi, Melanie, I just finished reading your book, CATCHING THE WIND, and I enjoyed it tremendously. What a gift God has given you! And what adventures your life must experience as you research your stories. How very exciting! God bless you and I will enjoy reading more of your books. I have read a few. What a privilege to personally know the author. Love, Shirley Davidson
— Shirley Davidson
I just discovered your books by randomly picking it up at the library. I have devoured two books already! I am anticipating reading more during my vacation. My daughter also loves historical/Christian fiction and I will pass them along to her. Thank you for writing such intriguing and heartfelt books
— Diane Elliott
I just finished reading "Beneath a Golden Veil"- this book is absolutely fascinating!!!!!
— Joanne Fitzpatrick
Just finished reading "beneath the golden veil." I finally found an Inspirational Book that I could not put down until I finished reading it!! THANK YOU!!
— Beverly Magee
dear Melanie,I have just finished your book on liberty Indiana. my grand farther C J Torrance was a conductor on the Underground Railroad in Bell Center,Ohio. He used a wagon much like you described in your book. I so enjoyed your book.Have you other books of this era?
— Don Ferguson
Enjoyed Chateau of Secrets
— Terry Main
Just finished "Chateau of Secrets." What a great book! Could hardly put it down! Have pre-ordered your new book along with two others. God bless.
— Vivian
Dear Melanie I have just finished the book Mackinac Island. I love it and I am a first time reader of your work and I hated for it to end . My parents owned a cottage on Indian Lake a ways from the bridge but we would go there many times in the summer on our vacations Michigan is a wonderful place to live I love it very much. There are many places in Michigan that has history my fathers cousin homesteaded the property around Indian Lake, in is in the library in Lansing state library if you would like to know more about our wonderful state His name was John C. Warrner what a great and jolly man he was. thank you for your time and I hope to read more of your books very soon keep up the good work. I love our father in heaven like and you he is the greatest author and how you wrote about the love for him in story thank you again.
— Diane Fletcher
I just love your writing. I have just discovered you!
— Arleen
I had purchased The Westward Christmas Brides Collection while Christmas shopping. Last night I finished your story, Reluctant Runaway. Wow, what a story! From chapter to chapter I was captivated. There wasn't a boring passage anywhere in the story. I have read a lot of Christian based stories in the past and have came across a few I would consider favorites. This one is most certainly added to my slender favorites list. God has given you an amazing talent to write. I don't know if I have ever felt compelled to email or contact an author before, but I wanted you to know I thoroughly enjoyed your story. It has left me with the craving to see it made into a movie, free of curse words and ungodly scenes. Hopefully, one day 😉
— Jill
I would love a copy of this book. What a great trip for you, a wonderful place (my kind of place). My father served in WW II and my mother was a riveter and helped build planes. I hope one day to see Europe. Keep writing and God bless.
— Eric
Enjoyed The Reluctant Runaway from the Westward Christmas Brides Collection. Drew me into the story. Shirley
— Shirley Chapel
Melanie, I just finished reading "The Silent Order" - what a book!!!! I could hardly put it down and what a mixture of cultures. I also read "Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, Ohio" and just loved it. My husband and I traveled to that part of Ohio once and were simply captivated by all things Amish. You did such a wonderful job on your books and I am anxious to keep up with you. Please write more Amish fiction.
— Mildred Winters
Sorry Melanie about the previous error. I had finished reading the book by Serena Miller (Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, OH) and bought your book The Silent Order and that is what I am reading. Sorry! (just writing too
— Paula Rose
I too , am just finding out about your books through Cindy Woodsmall. In fact, I was at a bookstore here in Round Rock Tx and saw your book "Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, OH. I bought it as I am from Ohio, visiting in Tx and can't hardly put the book down. I bought in 2 days ago and am 3/4 of the way through. Love the story! Thanks!
— Paula Rose
Love your site and I'll be back!
— Sherri Woodbridge
Hi, Melanie, We met a couple in Red Hills Market, Dundee who told us about your book about the French woman who supported the French underground at personal risk. When will the book come out?
— Mary Meyers
Melanie,I so enjoyed your book "Love Finds You in Liberty Indiana." I was hoping that you had published other books as well. I went to my library website to check, but none of the Love Finds You series were listed. Your book was intriguing and I look forward to more in the future. We hear that there is so much evil in America now, but tend to overlook the many evils that lurk in her history.
— Cathy Jackson
We are so glad we had the opportunity to meet and talk with you on Mackinac Island recently. Good luck with your research and next book. Sincerely, P. & C.
— Paul And Carolyn Foster
Was reading "Love Finds you in amana, Iowa and when I got to page 464 the next page said 497. The next 33 pages were missing. They were not torn out. They had never been included. Thank You
— Susan House
Glad to see you are getting this book out. I still remember the response you gave me some time ago. The Lord continue to bless your ministry! Fred
— Fred Barton
Melanie~Please tell us that you are going to write another "Love Finds You" book!? Your's was the first that I read (in less than 24 hours) and it has by far been the BEST! Thank you for writing a book about a young woman who walks intimately with the Lord; it was so refreshing. The historical aspect kept me riveted and wanting more! Please honor us with another book soon, we need more God centered love stories =)
— Ashley Jones
Just finished Refuge on Crescent Hill. Great story. I enjoyed it very much.
— Andrea
I love reading interweaving novels between fictional characters and true historical places. Like Gone with the Wind, North and South, War and Rememberance and more. I am a history buff and loves to travel. This is my first book to read. I know I would love this book. I am going to continue reading the series of Love Finds You.Happy Reading !
— Kim Terrazas
Keep up the great work Melanie!
— Nicole Decosta
I've not had a chance to read your works, but I'm anxious to do so. I just meet you through an interview on Casey's blog and found it very interesting. I placed my name in the giveaway and hope I win. I hope you will be greatly blessed with success in your writing.Grace & Joy in Christ,
— Barb Shelton
Here is the text of the I placed. Thanks for offering the free book - I really enjoyed your story and gave it five stars.Melanie Dobson skillfully crafted a historical romance that combined the Civil War with pacifist Amana Colonies. I don't normally read romance novels but I have friends in the Bruderhof and these Amana Colonies seemed similar. Mrs. Dobson wove an intricate love story that portrayed the angst of young love combined with challenges of living in a communal setting being impacted by the Civil war. I enjoyed the characters, the plot twists, and the values portrayed in this story. I was sorry to see it end. I highly recommend reading this book. Have a blessed day.
— Heather Marsten
Loved your book, Refuge on Cresent Hill. Barb in Northwest Ohio
— Barb
Melanie, I'm very interested in your books. Would you please ad me to your mailings regarding your book updates? I'm looking forward to reading Love Finds You on Mackinac Island! I'm a resident of Michigan and have been there many times! Thank you!
— Nancee
Melanie,Really enjoying all of your post and looking forward to your book.God bless you in every thing you do.
— Norma Stanforth
Melanie,I'm just ordering copies of this book, but can't wait to start reading it. (I know once I start I'll have it finished within days, just like I did with your other books!)Drew and I enjoyed looking at the photos you took when you visited Liberty. I'm sure that it was quite an experience to see places in which runaway slaves actually stayed and hid. Hugs to the girls for me!
— Val Dobson
So I figured I should just stay up and read the book. Being alert in class isn't THAT important. Love Finds You in Liberty Indiana is an awesome read. Well worth the pain and torture of eight hours of school after a sleepless night.
— Christy Harris
I've been up for a few hours reading Love finds you... I was just going to read for fifteen minutes before bed. Yeah, that didn't happen. Hours later I look down on page two hundred and find all traces of sleepiness -- dissipated. If I didn't have class from nine to five tomorrow I'd simply stay up and finish the book. I'm guessing it will be an epic success. It put thoughts of John Donne, Wit, and the various forms of sonnets, which have been haunting me, out of my head completely. It's a win.
— Christy Harris
Hi, Melanie--I just received my author copies of Love Finds You In Sugarcreek, Ohio and I can't thank you enough for taking precious writing time to read through my manuscript, and for giving it such a wonderful review for the back cover! I appreciate it so much. I wish there was something I could do for you in return. Would a signed copy of the book be something you would like to have? If so--just e-mail me your address and I'll send it right off.
— Serena Miller
My friend Judy Wilson referenced your book on Facebook, I was intrigued. I have spent the morning researching and realize who you are. I have called every book store in Mt. Vernon and can't get my hands on a book until tomorrow. Somehow I missed that you were going to be at Sip's on Saturday. I know the Mansion story, family, etc. can't wait to read the book. I lived this era and you have done your homework well. A story that needed to be written. Now the City Counsel want something done with the Mansion.
— Issie
Melanie, you have a classy webpage and I've enjoyed visiting. I would like to be added to your newsletter list so that I can keep up with you. You write beautifully and cultured.Blessed by Grace,
— Barb Shelton
I would like to be added to your mailing list and follow your blog but I don't see any buttons for that. Also are you on Facebook or Twitter?
— Wendy Newcomb
looking for picture of mansion that insprired "Refuge on Crescent Hill'.
— Phyllis
Melanie, Saw your invite on the ACFW Book Club. Love Finds You in Liberty, IN sounds like an exciting read! I'd love to win a copy. God bless!
— Pam Hillman
Melanie, I just finished your book and loved it.(Liberty, Ind.) I appreciate you including the background information; location, local citizen's imput, and historical background of the area. I love your style of writing. Keep up the "good" work, honoring Him. I passed the book on to Jennifer this weekend. Blessings, Dixie
— Dixie Frye
You are the most amazing author. I hope there is more books to come! If there are, you can guarantee I will not get anything done, cuz I'll be reading!
— Heidi
Melanie:I am so excited to read yout new book, Together for GOod, was the first book I read of yours, and it has helped me alot. I appreciated your emails afterward and your prayers. I am finally doing better, after our failed adoption and I owe it to all the great friends that I have, my religion and all those prayers.You have no idea what your emails meant to wonder how someone you don't even know can make such a difference. I can't wait to read more of your books.God Bless!!
— Becky Sanderson
Melanie, your Love Finds You book sounds great. Please enter me into your drawing. Miralee is a friend and crit. partner, so if she says it a good read I'm all for it:)
— Kimberly Johnson
Can't wait to read this book!
— Catherine Hopkins
I haven't read any of your books yet but am wanting to.
— Jo Legat
Hi, Melanie. I'm Jodi Stilp's mom and can't wait to read your books after how she's raved about them and you. God bless your writing. Rhonda
— Rhonda Hadlock
Hi melanie, I just finished reading "Love finds you in amana Iowa". As a general rule I don't read war stories. But not knowing that this book was about the war, I read it. To say I loved it would be an understatment. I read a part of the last chapter to my husband and he had tears in his eyes. When Friedrich died, I could not believe it. I know with fiction he had to die, but it was gut-wrenching. Please keep writing. a devoted reader, jeanie
— Jeanie Goins
I just finished reading Refuge on Cresent Hill and I loved it. Being an Ohioian added a special intrest in the book also. I loved that it was a historical fiction in modern times.
— Heidi G.
Just read Refuge on Crescent Hill that I downloaded on my kindle for free. Loved it! Looking forward to reading more of your books!
— Beth
I just finished Refuge on Crescent Hill that I downloaded free on my Kindle. Loved the story, the spiritual focus and how you brought the Underground Railroad back to mind for me. I'm an avid Christian fiction reader and reviewer. Looking forward to reading more of your books!
— Denise
Look forward to your upcoming book and I recognize the mansion (tee hee). We drive by it frequently. Best wishes my fellow Buckeye.P.S. the Mansion is occupied now! I understand a doctor owns the property & is slowly renovating it.
— Brenda Nixon
Hi! Our family lived in Mount Vernon from 1960 - 2004. We lived at 218 East Pleasant St. and we could see the Curtis mansion from our home. Our son Mike babysat the Curtis kids at times. I worked for the MV City Schools for 25 years - mostly in the libraries. I think Katy Hamilton was a library helper for me at the HS in the middle 80's. Is her mother, Bev Hamilton? Are you related to Howard Wacker? He was principal at Dan Emmett Elem. when I worked there in the early 1970's. We have been back to visit in Mount Vernon 4 times since moving to Fort Myers, FL in 2004. Some things have changed in Mount Vernon, but we think it is still a lovely little city. Write to me when you have time.
— Vi Morningstar
Hi! I lived in Mount Vernon from 1960-2004 when my husband and I moved to Florida. I worked for the MV City Schools for 25 years, mostly in the libraries. I am pretty sure that Katy Hamilton was a library helper for me at the high school in the mid 80's. What your Aunt Bev her mother? Are you related to Howard Wacker? He was principal at Dan Emmett School when I worked there. We owned a home at 218 East Pleasant Street for several years and we could see Curtis Mansion very well. Our oldest son Mike actually babysat the Curtis kids sometimes. We loved living there and our kids were all born while we lived on Pleasant St. - Lori, Mike and Kyle. We have been back to visit in Mount Vernon 4 times in 10 years; it is always fun as well as interesting. The town has changed, but just a little! Write to me when you get a chance.
— Vi Morningstar
Just finished reading " Refuge on Crescent Hill".I loved it. Going to library to get more of your books. I get teased about reading so many " Amish" books, but its what I like. I visited Berlin Ohio with a girlfriend several years ago and loved it. So I also read Cindy Woodsmill.Keep writing.....and God Bless You.
— Nanci Moore
I just finished reading your Liberty Indiana book & was just thrilled with it, thankful for your excellent writing & story line. I too agree with #29's comment of wanting to know more about the characters in a sequel or two. I am anxious to read the rest of your books. Thanks again! Blessings, Jan
— Jan C
Just finished reading---"Silent Order". It is was such a good book that kept me from not putting it down.Found it on Crossingsand amnow lookingfor moreof your books. Gods love-
— Dorothy Cotton
I grew up in Liberty IN and now live in West Virginia. I saw your book in the grocery store here. I was startled at the title and of course bought it. I just finished reading it and loved it very much. My good friend in school was a Logue and I have seen some of the hiding places in her home,so I was aware of the underground railroad in Liberty. Your book has made me look at my home town in a whole new way. Thank you for writing it.
— Rebecca Hollen
I grew up in Liberty,Indiana and now live in West Virginia. I saw your book in the grocery store here, very surprised at the title and of course had to buy it. I just finished reading it and loved it very much. My friend in school was a Logue. I had been to her house many times and seen some of the hiding places, one in her bedroom closet. So I knew of the underground railroad in Liberty, but your book has made me take a new look at my home town. Thank you very much for writing your book!!!!
— Rebecca Hollen
I just read Love Finds You in Liberty Indiana. Loved it! It got me researching the Underground Railroad in my own town and surrounding areas! How fascinating! Thanks!
— Brenda Dixon
I just read "Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa." I enjoyed it so much (even though I cried in parts). You did a great job ... and I look forward to reading your other books!
— Glenda
Don't know if you remember me, I am the Mrs. Brown from the high school office at Mansfield Christian. I first met you at Apple Valley when we vacationed in the Kochheiser house. My son is Tim Brown who you met that summer. I knew your mother casually and of course your sister and Jerry. I talked to Jerry recently. I have just found a couple of your books and am excited to read them knowing who the author is. I have kept up with your family through the Bolesky's as they attended David's wedding last year or so. Best wishes to you and your family and on your success as a writer. God Bless.
— Karen Brown
Just finished reading Refuge on Cresent Hill. Grew up in Mt. Vernon Ohio and have lived there most of my life. Have always heard the stories about Curtis Mansion (and the house on N. Main Street). In fact Johnny Curtis and wife Peggy graduated with me. Spent many summers in the cemetary looking for tunnels. 🙂 Loved you book and your writing style. Going to buy many additional books of yours. Live on Cape Cod now and will be sharing your stories with many readers here.
— Suzy Magill Davidson
Hi Melanie,I just got my copy of Love Finds You in Mackinac Island & since I have been there many times, I was wondering if there was any way to send you a SASE with a book plate in it for you to sign as I would love to keep this book forever on my special signed shelf...I would appreciate it if you could send me an address to send the book plate & SASE to.Thanks so much & can't wait to get started on it.
— Shelly Dabbs
How wonderful to pair to books that take place at one of Michigan's finest spots -- Mackinac Island. I have found memories of it from frowing up in the Detroit area, though I now live in the South. Just thinking about it brings back the memories of those fudge samples! YMMM!
— Carol Gehringer
I would love to get your newsletters.Thanks and God Bless!Sarah Richmond, Blanch,N.C.
— Sarah
Hi Melanie,i would love to get your newsletters and news on facebook. Thank you,
— Norma Stanforth
Please sign me up for your newsletter. I love the cover of your new book. The colors and the time period is so appealing!!
— Darlene Keith
I enjoyed reading Silent Order.My husband was born and raised in E. Cleveland. When we married we lived in Geauga county close to the Amish.It was so nice to read a book where I could say, "I've been there. I know about that." Also it was a pleasure to read without bad language and sexual scenes. I'm looking forward to reading more of your books.
— Barb
I live in Michigan and cant wait to get this book tomorrow.
— Nancy M Staley
Just found out about your books, my son Mike Sloan is traveling to Cambodia with your father and Mike sent a message to look at your web site. Sure want to read some of your books.
— Linda Sloan
sorry, my 1st message supposed be love finds you in nazareth
— Terri
hi, am in middle of reading -love finds you in .cant put it down,was woundering if u had facebook
— Terri
Just finished reading Refuge on Crescent Hill. Such a good book. Kept my attention and it was well written. I read lots of christian fiction and historical fiction. Am planning on reading all of your books that I can find. Thanks for letting good christian novels be written.
— Carolyn Cummings
I just finnished reading Refuge on Crecent Hill now I'm reading Silent Order which is a little bit differen't but still good I like the history of it I enjoyed refuge on Crecent Hill it kept me intrugued all the way through I like the way you used God in it.It was very good.Mary beth Castagnaro.
— Mary Beth Castagnaro
Melanie,Thank you for your wise words at Rolling Hills Community Church, Tualatin OR, in 2012 Feb. The writers group, comprised of novice and experienced scribes, were inspired and encouraged by your words. "The Silent Order" is a good book and I recommend it to readers as a primer to her work. My hope is that your novels--ripe for movie adaptations--will draw talent from the film community and that your fans will see some of your stories on the big (or small) screen soon! 🙂 I will pray on this and for you! 🙂 Blessings!
— Maru
Just came across your name an books have already had some put on hold for me looking forward to reading.
— Karen
Melanie,My husband got me your book "Love Finds You in Homestead Iowa" for Christmas. I had not read any of your books before, Oh My. Now I will keep reading them and hope they are just as good as this one was. Made me feel that I would have liked to live in that little village. I couldn't put the book down, it was so well written and kept you wondering what was going to happen next. I really like you Author note and the bit of history it contained. I never knew anything about the Amanas until now. Now I will have to get "Love Finds You in the Amana Colonies" that I saw here on your web site.May God continue to Bless you in your writings.PS I too live in a small town in Ohio.
— Dayna
I was born and raised in Liberty IN. I lived on the side of the RR tracks where many of the black population could survive financially. I attended the Quaker church when I was about 10 yrs old. You took me back home and allowed me to love the people struggling to save the slaves.Thank you for writing the book, I plan to buy copies for my children and grandchildren.
— Jesse Turner
Cant wait to start reading your books. We are starting with Silent order.
— Kathy
Just read your book Amana, Iowa. First book I have read by you & loved it. Looking forward to finding other books by you to read. God bless
— Pat
Just finished Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa. It was awesome!! I want to read all your books!!! Thanks Melanie
— Jackie Meister
I am indeed looking forward to reading "Love Finds You in Nazareth, Pennsylvania", Melanie!Blocks for my underground railroad quilt, inspired by your "Refuge on Crescent Hill" book are getting completed! Blessings!
— Pat
Melanie,I just wanted to say thank you so much for your generosity in the Christian Fiction Devourers/Goodreads "500 Member Celebration". I just received your copy of Love Finds You in Nazareth Pennsylvania and I look forward to reading it!Many blessings to you and your family and thank you again, it is deeply appreciated.
— Beverly Warembourg
Hi MelanieI am a winner of the Goodreads 500 Club and winning a contest at all--- totally blew me away. I want to let you know your book arrived just now. And give a warm and appreciated "Thank You" to you.You are a new author for me and your book title alone caught my attention: The Silent Order I thought at first like Monks take an oath of silence. But it sounds far more interesting than I first imagined. A bit of mystery it looks like to uncover. I know this one will be a "greatread" for sure. Thanks so much and for the hand inscription in the front cover. This will be a treasure for sure.And Melanie thanks for writing good clean books with Christian theme, messages and all. I really appreciate that. I used to love to watch TV to relax but with it the way it is I turned to reading and did not even know where to start. I have been reading for about 5 yrs now and enjoy it so much. So keep up the good work that I know is in this book.God Bless You,
— Anita A
I just finished reading Love Finds Your in Homestead as a free Kindle book. I really enjoyed it and will find more of the series. Thanks for a great inspiring book.
— Margaret Cleveland
I just finished reading "Love finds you in the Amana Colonies". I grew up there and I can't wait to read "Love finds you in Homestead". I never knew about the tie in with the civil war. Blessings on your future writings:)
— Dana Miller
I have just read three of your books. Two of them, Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa, and Refuge on Crescent Hill made me want to visit the Amana villages, and Ohio to find out more on the underground railroad. Great job on your books. Keep writing-I'm running out of your books to read. 🙂
— Pam
Just finished reading Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa and REALLY enjoyed it. I was at the Amana colonies this last June and really liked what I saw. Have read several stories based there. Thanks, Menalie...
— Vel Wheatley
I just finished reading Love Finds You In Homestead Iowa. I could hardly lay it down. A wonderful story.I have been in Ammana many times-shopping and eating their wonderful meals.Thank you for your wonderful story. I will be getting more of your books at our Hawarden City Library. God bless you and thank you. Lois
— Lois Bergdale
I love your book about Homestead, Iowa. I had never heard of the Amanas, and now I can't wait to read more about these wonderful people.Thank you for bringing them to me.Prayers,
— Jacquie Olson
Just had to tell you how much I enjoyed, Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa. What a wonderful story and how good God is in His blessings and faithfulness He showed towards Liesel, Jacob and Cassie. I also enjoyed, Love Finds You in Liberty, Indiana so just knew Homestead, Iowa would be a winner too! Anxious to read more of your books and will be watching for them.
— Nancy T
I just learned of you, your blog and your books through Cindy Woodsmall's Facebook post. I am excited about getting to know you and your novels. I will be purchasing some soon. Great to know of you!!
— Cheryl Givens
I'm just finding out about your books through Cindy Woodsmall. They all sound really good and I look forward in getting to read them.
— Tonya Rodriguez
I would love to review "Love Finds You In Liberty, Indiana" or any of your books. I will do the review on my blog and on Amazon etc. just for a copy of one of your books, I will even do a tour or a giveaway if you would like.
— Edna Tollison
Hello Melanie,I found your book Love Finds You In Liberty, Indiana....I absolutely love this book. I am new to the Love Finds You Series and have purchased them all. I would so love to know if you will be writing a sequel to the first one...i would so love to hear/read about the future of all these amazing characters...does Anna ever see Charlotte again? Will Daniel and Anna have any children? How about Baby Ben....will Joseph and Esther ever find out that they both know that Ben is the baby of Marie? Please...let us know how it all turns out. I love this book and can not wait for your next Love Finds You book...I know it will be great. 🙂Thank you again, Lisa
— Lisa M
Melanie, I just heard about your book Love Finds You in Liberty, Indiana. I graduated from Union County High School and find it thrilling that someone has written a booked based on our little town! I can't wait to receive my book and get to reading!
— Cathy Edwards
I grew up in Liberty, Indiana and cannot wait to get your book. I attended Salem Church just up the road from the Logues' house. I have known them all my life. Thank you for doing this story.
— Bonnie Zumbrun
I love reading your books Mel! I am so proud of you! Great job my friend.
— Michele Heath
I like your blog and would love to be entered into a drawing for a free book if you have one or if you will send me one, I will do a review for you.mamat2730(at)charter(dot)net
— Edna Tollison
Great Book, Love Finds You In Liberty. I put it with my favorite books. Thank You for the history and special care in writing your book, couldn't put it down, just keep reading and loving it.
— Bonnie Mcenery
Melanie, I look forward to reading this book. I was raised in Liberty and I know the wonderful Logue family too. A cousin sent me this website, I now live near Indianapolis. I have warm feelings for Liberty and it's citizens and this is so exicting for all of us. Thank you for your caring and time. As school children in Liberty, we usually got the priviledge of taking a field trip to some of the undergroud railroad sits. Thank you again.
— Debbie Stanton Lang
I was going through books I plan to give as Christmas gifts last night. I am passing your book The Black Cloister onto to someone to bless them as I was blessed. This also gets them to know about you the Author. So I thought I would stop by and wish you a blessed day filled with God's goodness. Your book will certainly stay with.I am so glad I found you on another author's website and got to know your books.
— Jane Squires
I am the winner of your novel The Black Cloister. I finished it in a very short time. I have posted you reviews on The Celebrity Cafe, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Tomorrow I will post one on Christianbook and Long and Short Reviews. It will take longer on the Long and Short reviews as I am just getting set up so have to have the review edited before it is posted. God Bless
— Jane Squires
I just read an excerpt of your book, "The Black Cloister," and I'll be looking for this one as soon as I can...I'm eagerly waiting to read this one! Just the brief bit I read captured my heart as a mother. And I'm also glad to discover your website, so I can further my investigation into your books...many blessings to you. Thanks.
— Lee Broom
I just finished your book, and loved it! One of my ancestors was appointed to his position as the chaplain to Queen Marie of Poland by Martin Luther, and I am fascinated by that period of history. Having read about Katrina von Bora, and also Michael Sattler and his wife Margaretha Sadler, who was also a nun, I also find it really eye opening to see how a person entered a convent. It seems that both Katrina and Margaretha were more like prisoners than nuns of today who choose that life. Anyhow, I loved the book. I am reading the rest of your site now.God Bless you and yours.
— Ingrid
Hi Melanie!I love your website! I can't wait to buy your book, and am praying for the time to read it! I loved getting to know you better by checking out your site and your blog. Keep doing what the Lord is blessing!
— Lisa Swartout
Going for broke was one of the best novels I've r
— Carol Miller
Looking forward to reading your books. I was just surfing the web and looking at images of Mt. Vernon, OH which is also my hometown (I actually went to Howard High School) and I also live in Portland, Oregon (in the Beaverton area). I seem to remember a Hotel Curtis in Mt Vernon as well after looking at your photos of Curtis Mansion.
— Bev
I am just finishing Chateau of Secrets and it is the best book I have read in a long time. LOVED it!! It was beautiful the way you weaved the stories of the past and present together. I learned so much history and could hardly put the book down. I can't wait to read your other books...especially the one that takes place on Mackinac Island as I live in Michigan and have been there several times. Thanks--so nice to have such a great read!
— Rebekah
I've never read any of your books that I can think of; but I've done a lot of reading in my 71 years of living. LOL Your book, Chateau of Secrets sounds extremely interesting; one I'd like to read not to mention Together for Good. That one sounds wonderful. May God bless you as you minister through writing.
— Faith Posten
I am an avid reader and like to do reviews for authors and post them on both Amazon and Goodreads. I would love to read your book, either by hardback or by EBOOK (Mobi format prefer- otherwise pdf as I have an Amazon kindle). Please let me know.Thank you,, send books to:
— Lisa
I just finished reading "Love Finds You in Amana Iowa." LOVED IT! This is the first of your books that I have read, but now I am completely hooked! I look forward to spending my time reading all of your other books. God bless you in your ministry.
— Jan Russell
Absolutely loved chateau of Secrets, couldn't put it down. Will be looking for more of your books, thanks for such a good read
— Lesley Bliss
LOVED "Chateau of Secrets". Great book about the heartbreaks & triumphs of war.
— Cindy
I have read the five "Love Finds You" books. I love it that they are all so different. With each book, I thought I had a new favorite! Although all were wonderful, I think I liked "Love Finds You in Liberty, Indiana" the very best! It touched me when you posted the photos of homes in the area that were used in the Underground Railroad. Now ... I've moved on to "Where the Trail Ends." (I'm sure I'll love it too.) Thank you so much for writing Christian stories.
— Glenda Tracy
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed Chateau of Secrets and have reviewed it on my blog today.
— Tara
I am trying to read "Love Finds You in Amana Iowa; however, when I got to page 63, it jumped to page 193 and then 256 to 129. What gives???? Please respond.
— Lynda Jones
Extra snow days made me look for extra books at the library and I stumbled upon your book Refuge on Crescent Hill. Loved it and will be looking for more of your books. Great read. Love the inspiration.
— Donna Bruce
May God bless you for the work done continue
— Ssande Willy
Just finished reading Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa. First read of your books. I have a small stack to go. This book hooked me! So well done and amazing historical information. Thank you!
— Barbara Shelton
Just finished reading "Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa"; I was spiritually refreshed. Keep up the great writing.
— Leana Bosley
Really enjoyed reading about your adoption journey and am encouraged by it!
— Kara Chupp
I just picked up tow large print books at a library sale. one is love finds you in homestead iowa. and the other is by annalisa daughety also in large print. as im having visin problems these are going to bethe besst option for me. im going to continue to look for these in large print. thank you for these stories as I love the amish.
— Patricia Johnson
I'm looking forward to reading some of your works. I've always loved history. Looking forward to your newsletters as well. Blessings.
— Susan Fryman
Melanie, I was at my local grocery store and your book Love Finds You in Nazareth PA caught my eye. I myself am a resident of Nazareth and saw the woman on the cover was dressed in a Moravian "haube" a simple cap worn by women in the early days. As a Moravian myself I purchased the book. It wasn't until later I flipped the book over to the back cover and the house that is pictured the "Gray Cottage" is my residence !!! Looking forward to reading the book. Many blessings to you and your family.
— Mia
I just read "Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa". It was beyond wonderful. You are so gifted to take words and make one feel as though they were there with your characters. Please send me information on e-mail or facebook.
— Ruth Bruno